Sales Management

The ERPNext system provides a set of integrated and effective tools that help users manage the sales cycle in a flexible and comprehensive manner. These tools include:

Sales management features

Sales opportunity
Potential client
Sales reports
Sales invoice
Sell orders

Potential Client

  • This screen is concerned with entering information about potential customers and managing communication with them to turn them into actual customersThis screen is known in the labor market as Lead, as the system enables you to follow them accurately and effectively in terms of meetings And calls

Sales opportunity

  • This screen is dedicated to tracking customer interests in your products to determine the products of most interest in the pre-sale stage to improve the sales process and do good pricing


  • Follow up on price offers easily and conveniently, specifying the expiration date of the offers, as well as rejected offers, explaining the reasons for rejection to improve them in the future. The system also provides notifications to follow up on customer price offers

Sell orders

  • It is possible to follow up on incoming sales orders, determine their delivery date, know the quantities delivered and quantities invoiced, and make reservations for specific orders after the customer’s request

Sale invoices

  • The system provides a flexible billing system so that you can convert a sales order or delivery note into a sales invoice with the click of a button. It is compatible with zakat and income requirements and provides debt aging reports and payment notices</li >

Sales reports

  • The system provides a large number of sales reports, including the sales order analysis report, sales reports and other reports, with the ability to easily build professional reports

The most frequently asked questions about the sales management system

Yes, the representative can make a price quote from the tablet, iPad, or mobile phone and send it via email or WhatsApp directly.

The system is flexible so that you can create a direct sales invoice or convert the price quote into an invoice or work

Direct sell order

Of course, using the report building tool, you can create an infinite number of reports, and the system also provides graphical reports or what is known as Business Intelligence.

Yes, by making a sale order and then making a partial delivery document and linking it to the sale order so that it is easy to track the delivered and undelivered quantities.

Yes, you can create an infinite number of grouped items to provide great sales offers to your customers

Yes, the feature is available

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