Customer Relations (CRM)

Customer relationship management is considered an independent department within companies with goals, features, and work mechanisms, all of which aim to attract new customers and maintain existing customers for the longest period.

More about customer relationship management (CRM) system

Initiative screen

  • This screen is concerned with entering information about potential customers and managing communication with them to turn them into actual customers
    This screen is known in the labor market as Lead, as the system enables you to follow them accurately and effectively in terms of meetings and calls

Sales opportunity screen

  • This screen is concerned with following up customer interests in your products to determine the products of most interest in the pre-sale stage to improve the sales process and do pricing well.
    You can also know your missing customers and the reasons for losing customers and avoid losing customers later
    You can also find out the most sources for attracting customers through lead

Customer Relationship Management Features

Customer relationship management tools enable you to link the system to any type of advertising or social media platform.
Managing marketing campaigns professionally and with very high accuracy.
Closing bigger deals with higher sales
Reduce the cost of lead acquisition

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